Faith Goodman

ESG & Corporate Purpose

Corporations are facing unprecedented disruption due to shifting stakeholder expectations. Pressing societal issues are now boardroom issues. In order to remain competitive, corporate leaders will eventually need to embrace transparent action on both ESG & Corporate Purpose as a necessary condition of being in business.

Corporate Purpose & ESG – New Business Essentials

A global shift is redefining the contract between businesses and their communities from
simply “being responsible” to creating real social value. Consumers, investors and employees
increasingly expect firms to leverage corporate DNA – and address complex societal issues
through the adoption of Environmental-Social-Governance (ESG) & Corporate Purpose

Supporting SMEs To Embrace Corporate Purpose and ‘build-back-better’

Against the backdrop of a global pandemic, many companies are seeking to redefine themselves around both ESG and Corporate Social Purpose. They are taking on a new role as a positive, proactive force in tackling societal challenges, leading the drive to net zero
and championing sustainability.

Spotlight on the S in ESG: Stakeholders, risk and the cost of capital

For many years, the “social” in environmental, social and governance (ESG) discussions has taken a back seat to the other elements, but that subordinate role appears to be changing and directors are taking increased notice of the ‘S’ factor. Issues brought to the forefront by the recent pandemic, as well as the current civil unrest, have highlighted the need for directors to be prepared for the impact on their organizations of important social issues.

Conditional Support

Canadian businesses have been quick to tap emergency government financing during the global pandemic. But their survival will be determined by more than cash flow. Corporate leaders accepting taxpayer money must also consider the needs of their employees, customers, communities and other stakeholders, or they will suffer in the marketplace longer term.

The latest business essential? Social purpose

In the coming decade, we can expect to see more companies directing some of their resources and skills to helping solve societal problems. And as the idea of having a “social purpose” becomes
mainstream, the organizations that get it right will enjoy a competitive advantage over those that choose to ignore the trend or fail to employ it properly.

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